Dunn & Wilson Scholarship 2005

At the ALIA Library & Information Technicians Conference neXt 2005 I was presented with the Dunn & Wilson Scholarship. This blog aims to present a reflection of my research progress on secondment opportunities for Australian Library Technicians in all library sectors.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

April Showers?!? Nope none in Qld!

Well actually we did get some rain this evening but not enough to change the level 5 water restrictions we are currently imposed with. 4 minute showers and the aim to use only 140 litres of water per household per day. If I had more money and a house that was better designed I'd be installing tanks and grey water diverters left, right and centre but alas our house is unique in too many ways!!

Isn't it funny how the subjects studied often relate to something you are doing in "real life" or better yet they also relate to each other. Currently I'm completing my BA(Library and Information Science) through Charles Sturt University. The subjects I'm doing at the moment are Topics in Library Management, and Serving Children and Youth in Public Libraries. Now you may be wondering what this has to do with my research - both subjects are discussing planning and policies.

Market Plans are the topic of an assignment for Topics in Library Management. I remember talking with Geraldine Barkworth of Bold Women Big Ideas career coaching. She encouraged me to create a market plan for this blog. However, due to my lack of knowledge of market plans I never followed through on this task *slap wrists*

The other subject is discussing policies and regular readers of this blog will know that I've had plenty of discussions relating to secondment policies.


  • At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Sharon,

    I'd love to get some feedback from you - how do you juggle so many things at once? Work, baby, study, shcolarship???

    Do you find it possible to manage study and scholarhip at the same time?

    I am asking with a reason behind that - I'd like to apply for the D & W this year, but I've also just enrolled in a Post Grad course. Nope it's not Library studies - just a writing Grad Dip but what I'm answering my dreams by doing it - like I guess - having a baby would be answering your dreams?? For me that's not possible now, so I have to focuss my dreams in other areas?

    Also while I've got your attention, do you have any words of advice to offer to a prospective submitter to the D & W?

    Have had some wonderful feedback so far from Lothar von Retzlaff and also Meredith Martinelli. But to get some current feedback would be tops too.

    I know your topic was secondments. ARe you finding you are obtaining the information and feedback you need to fulfill your obligations to the D & W??

    If I submitted it would be with a proposal to create a web portal on the wonderful subject of Mind Wellness - relevant to psychiatrically disabled people particularly - with the aim of filling a gop in this groups information literacy needs - but also useful as an OHS tool in libraries and other mainstream workplaces.

    I am not lacking in ideas but the actually structuring of the application itself to fit the form provided is giving me a lot of problems. I can't see much difference between "benefits" and "outcomes" and the form requires information on both. This is a problem for me.

    I have tied my goals and benefits to the competencies in the Diploma of Library and Information Services, but this also seems a bit clumsy to me.

    If you have any spare time (silly question) could you have a look at my app. and give me some feedback - all 13 pages of it?

    Was your submission that long?? I feel sure I have gone about this in the wrong way?

    Thanks in advance for any response you are able to give.


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