April Showers?!? Nope none in Qld!
Well actually we did get some rain this evening but not enough to change the level 5 water restrictions we are currently imposed with. 4 minute showers and the aim to use only 140 litres of water per household per day. If I had more money and a house that was better designed I'd be installing tanks and grey water diverters left, right and centre but alas our house is unique in too many ways!!
Isn't it funny how the subjects studied often relate to something you are doing in "real life" or better yet they also relate to each other. Currently I'm completing my BA(Library and Information Science) through Charles Sturt University. The subjects I'm doing at the moment are Topics in Library Management, and Serving Children and Youth in Public Libraries. Now you may be wondering what this has to do with my research - both subjects are discussing planning and policies.
Market Plans are the topic of an assignment for Topics in Library Management. I remember talking with Geraldine Barkworth of Bold Women Big Ideas career coaching. She encouraged me to create a market plan for this blog. However, due to my lack of knowledge of market plans I never followed through on this task *slap wrists*
The other subject is discussing policies and regular readers of this blog will know that I've had plenty of discussions relating to secondment policies.
Isn't it funny how the subjects studied often relate to something you are doing in "real life" or better yet they also relate to each other. Currently I'm completing my BA(Library and Information Science) through Charles Sturt University. The subjects I'm doing at the moment are Topics in Library Management, and Serving Children and Youth in Public Libraries. Now you may be wondering what this has to do with my research - both subjects are discussing planning and policies.
Market Plans are the topic of an assignment for Topics in Library Management. I remember talking with Geraldine Barkworth of Bold Women Big Ideas career coaching. She encouraged me to create a market plan for this blog. However, due to my lack of knowledge of market plans I never followed through on this task *slap wrists*
The other subject is discussing policies and regular readers of this blog will know that I've had plenty of discussions relating to secondment policies.